Old Ways - by Clinker Marlin
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About This Design
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Designed By: Marlin TwoBulls
An enrolled member of the Hualapai Tribe
Marlin has constantly been one of Clink's most successful designers. Marlin’s passion for sports and New Era fitteds is only matched by his passion for helping coach his youth basketball team on his reservation.
The Buffalo is held in high regard to the Lakota people. It provided every day needs from food, clothing and tools. Lakota believe the buffalo is a true relative for the people making life possible. Because of the buffalo's great importance to the people, a buffalo symbol or buffalo skull is present in all sacred Lakota rituals. It stands as a reminder of this mighty animal which gives completely of itself for others.
Concept and Story by: Marlin; Peach Springs, AZ
See more of this Clinker's work on Instagram.
Designed by: Brad Rayson
See more of this Clinker's work on Instagram.
New Era 59Fifty Fitted Hat
Crown: Navy / Visor: Navy / Button: Navy / Undervisor: Sky Blue
100% Polyester