Founding Fathers “Scanners” - by Clinkers Phil & Stile

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By New Era

About This Design

On the “Views From The Vault” discord channel there is a thread for “design-art-talk.” Most days, Stile from Illinois asks a question to any of the designers to answer, and throughout the day different designers chime in with their answers or some other funny comment. The question of the day was about if any of us considered doing a logo of any current or former president. Lots gave their answers and I stated most likely I would do a design of Lincoln. I ended up doing a design of Ben Franklin, probably my favorite founding father. I realize he was never a president, but Stile’s question inspired this design. As far as the VFTV discord goes, it is an amazing platform! There are threads for all sorts of things hat related, and even not hat related! You can speak with designers, bounce ideas off of others, talk about pins, etc. Another HUGE benefit is staying current with all of the new hat drops in the hatcrawler-notifications thread. It’s a great site with a great community!Concept by: Stile 

See more of Stile on Instagram.

Designed by: Phil; Texas, USA

See more of Phil's work on Instagram.

New Era 59Fifty Fitted Hat

Crown: Black / Visor: Black / Button: Black / Undervisor: Doscientos Blue

100% Polyester

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